Tuesday, January 6, 2009

28 Weeks

Today I am 28 weeks pregnant! Will is the size of an eggplant now and weighs about 2.2 pounds. For some reason his weight gain and my weight gain don't exactly match up ;) That's alright - I'm still well within my weight gain limits! He also has the ability to open his eyes and look around. He's beginning to blink, although right now it's pretty jerky and involuntary. He'll keep practicing and perfect this over the next few weeks. He also now has eyelashes...I wonder what they look like and how long/what color they are!

His movements have really started to feel different. They're much more frequent and much stronger! I used to not feel movements during the day when I was busy and moving around a lot. It was only when I laid down at night that I'd really start to feel him wiggling around. But lately his kicks have been a little distracting while I'm teaching! One of my students asked me today if my "belly was jumping" yet. She said she got to see her mom's "belly jump" all the time last year when she was pregnant. Her terminology made me laugh!

I really wasn't looking forward to giving up my relaxing time at home to go back to school, but the past two days have been great. I really love my students and I'm actually really enjoying teaching math! There have been a few hiccups with me actually getting hired as a "teacher" at Robertson (right now they have me down as a long-term sub). I have to go take another certification test (my generalist exam) on the 13th and then I'll be able to go in and sign my contract and paperwork. It's frustrating, but I know it's for the best. After I take that, I'll be certified to teach ANY subject in grades 4 - 8, which will be beneficial in the future!

Here's my tummy picture for 28 weeks (taken a few days ago) as well as a picture of Greg and I from New Year's Eve...we had so much trouble getting a decent picture! It was actually pretty funny :)

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